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OUR SOLAR TEAM IN WINTER UKRAINE... no one was cold even a CAT.

Writer's picture: ARTE.MARTE.M

The ARTE.M team was part of an Erasmus plus training course under the name Social impact – Measuring what is important in Ukraine between 19th and 24th of January. This time, the city of Sumy and GuideHub consulting (UK) were the hosts of the training course where 8 countries took a part: Portugal, Poland, UK, Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, Macedonia, and Azerbaijan. The main reason for our gathering was the discussion on the benefits of the social impact and which tools to use for future projects.

Travelling from the island of eternal spring to the white cozy Ukraine definitely brought some fresh ideas and adventures. Starting with temperatures below the 0˚C, which we hadn’t seen on our phone screens for a while.

"Travelling from the island of eternal spring to the white cozy Ukraine definitely brought some fresh ideas and adventures. Starting with temperatures below the 0˚C, which we hadn’t seen on our phone screens for a while. "

The training was concentrated on the importance of social impact, and which tools and practices can be used to address future challenges. The whole team was coming up with ideas, tools, and was sharing experiences on practical steps how to implement social impact for future projects as well as in general in life.

During the free time all the participants were wandering around Sumy and enjoying Ukrainian food and drinks. Some afternoons were spent in the central park of the city, where we were ice skating, sledding and having fun! One of the best experiences that stayed on my mind was on 19th of January, or Saint Jordan day in Orthodox countries such as Ukraine. On this day we visited the Psyol lake where we experienced the Orthodox tradition of bathing in the ice-cold water while the temperature outside was -15˚C!

We absolutely recommend Ukraine for future project or training course seekers, especially if you enjoy snow and winter atmosphere.

From Ibrahim Halil Çetinkaya (Jack)

ARTE.M team

February 2022

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 ARTE.M Cultural and Artistic Association on Madeira Island

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